Today I discovered REX. This is the regular expression extract tool for splunk. As I stared at these syslog records I wonders, how can I get the IP addresses of that shiznit? rex was the answer.
A simple rex for a WatchGuard log to get the allow/deny on a report:
[the search] | rex field=_raw ".(?Allow|Deny)."
Yes, that's a pipe, because you are piping the results through rex. Splunk just gets more and more fantastic.
Alas, I am at 82% of my license. I'm going to have to fork over another G-note to expand my collection. It's worth it because I love to bask in the orgy of denial.
A simple rex for a WatchGuard log to get the allow/deny on a report:
[the search] | rex field=_raw ".(?
Yes, that's a pipe, because you are piping the results through rex. Splunk just gets more and more fantastic.
Alas, I am at 82% of my license. I'm going to have to fork over another G-note to expand my collection. It's worth it because I love to bask in the orgy of denial.