To read all email in text and be able to extract the mail using mail headers:
> regedit
MinimalHeaderOn = 0 (dword)
ReadAsPlain = 1 (dword)
SaveAllMIMENotJustHeaders = 1 (dword)
restart Outlook afterwards, maybe even reboot just for good measure. Now you get to see all of those phishy urls in the emails and you can get all of those embedded image attachments as raw encoded binary when you get the header details on the message.
Put the Message Options button in the hot button task bar so you can quickly get this info.
No more phishy phish from the numbskulls.
I take payment in coffee. It's been a long time since I've had Jamaica Blue Mountain. Just saying.
If you know how to disable the jpeg thumbnail render of attachments, please share on twitter. That's an obvious vector.
> regedit
MinimalHeaderOn = 0 (dword)
ReadAsPlain = 1 (dword)
SaveAllMIMENotJustHeaders = 1 (dword)
restart Outlook afterwards, maybe even reboot just for good measure. Now you get to see all of those phishy urls in the emails and you can get all of those embedded image attachments as raw encoded binary when you get the header details on the message.
Put the Message Options button in the hot button task bar so you can quickly get this info.
No more phishy phish from the numbskulls.
I take payment in coffee. It's been a long time since I've had Jamaica Blue Mountain. Just saying.
If you know how to disable the jpeg thumbnail render of attachments, please share on twitter. That's an obvious vector.