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Showing posts from 2013

Zeptolabs Spying on You?

I am a developer. Today, I hooked up the device log to my android tablet which has Cut The Rope on it (Zeptolabs). Surprised, I found a curious series of log entries: 01-14 20:54:17.833 D/GetJar SDK [com.zeptolab.ctr.paid](14868): [] : sendInstalledApps() -- FOUND_INSTALLED: com.djinnworks.StickmanBaseJumper.lite 01-14 20:54:17.833 D/GetJar SDK [com.zeptolab.ctr.paid](14868): [] : sendInstalledApps() -- FOUND_INSTALLED: com.duckduckmoosedesign.ibs 01-14 20:54:17.833 D/GetJar SDK [com.zeptolab.ctr.paid](14868): [] : sendInstalledApps() -- FOUND_INSTALLED: com.facebook.katana 01-14 20:54:17.833 D/GetJar SDK [com.zeptolab.ctr.paid](14868): [] : sendInstalledApps() -- FOUND_INSTALLED: com.fandango Furthermore, it even sends application usage information: 01-14 20:54:17.833 D/GetJar SDK [com.zeptolab.ctr.paid](14868): CommManager: processesRequest() [threa...