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Where is your $46,376 bailout?

The US GAO (Government Accounting Office) has published its audit of the federal reserve: Audit in PDF | Synopsis of Audit The audit shows the Federal Reserve Bank issuing $16 TRILLION in debt to banks and corporations around the world. Who authorized this release of US capital? The Federal Reserve Bank chairmen, such as Ben Bernanke. For the 340 Million happy citizens of the US, that $16 Trillion is about $46,376 for every citizen of the US. Remember back in the Bush Presidency where we all got a little check for $800, or $1200, or something like that as our "incentive" to go invigorate the economy? That little amount seems more like a slap in the face now. With $16T of cash, the US could have paid all of its debts and gotten China off of our back. Instead we continue to print paper with little regard to the consequences because the people in charge of said currency are not governed. We, the people of the United States, should be in charge of where our money is lent. That means our congress, the elected officials that we all lament at times, should be overseeing these Federal Reserve Bank people. Yet, they are not? Write to your congress-person and demand that congressional oversight be implemented on the Federal Reserve Bank. Then demand some form of justice. Ben Bernanke and his cronies should be indicted for fraud and larceny. Don't forget the capstone of this failure - our President who wants to raise all of our taxes because we can't afford to bailout our own senior citizens and their failing Social Security accounts. Imagine a $16T infusion of capital into Social Security? I think the AARP political machine should get on that right away.

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