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If I Only Had A Human Eyeball ...

A news story on BBC News struck me as peculiar today. Witchcraft arrest in Mozambique is the title of this noteworthy story. It's really about the trade of human remains for religious ritual. How odd that in the year 2007 we have a country where human remains are trafficked to the point of requiring legislation.

Isn't it just an obvious wrong to kill people and sell their remains in the name of some religious craft? When there is no other money to be made, why not turn to your neighbor as a source of income, right? Heck, he's not using that other leg anyway!

All humor aside, this is a very serious situation. Not only is it yet another stain on Africa's diverse and rich cultures, but it's another shining example of bad human behavior against other humans in Africa. Maybe more free laptops will help stop this tragedy of human violence. Nicholas Negroponte, hear their cries! Send them free laptops so they can google non-human magical potion recipes.

If you do read the whole article, you will note that the general population of Cabo Delgado are sophisticated enough to have lynched one prior offender of this crime. Yes, indeed, the authorities released one of these criminals and was thereafter hunted down and killed by, likely, a mob of angry citizens. Thank goodness that most of the people there are thinking beyond their couldrons.

Keep a close eye on your neighbor, though. The up-down he's casting your way may not be a sexual advance, but rather a discerning appraisal of his magical merchandise.

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