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Full Disclosure

I am sure that I share a common sentiment with my fellow Americans with regard to our Presidential Office. When we elect a new president, we get with it a handfull of appointments to the cabinet that are critical to the functioning of the government. Yet, when we do elect an official to become President, we do so without knowing who it is they are going to appoint to the cabinet.

For instance, there is the Secretary of Defense. This person is pretty powerful in the world political theatre. The President relies upon the Secretary of Defense to decide if a military action is necessary and winnable during an international complaint. If the President appoints some cracked-pot war monger, then we are stuck with it. Americans have the right to know who will fill this position with a new President.

Then there is the Secretary of State. This person is like the head ambassador to all nations in the world as we know it. When this secretary makes a visit to a nation, they are treated as if the President were visiting. Rightly so, because it's the role of this secretary to advise the President of foreign affairs with regard to US interests. Our foreign neighbors love to put on a good show that paints the US in a positive and engaging light. We need someone in this office who can look past themselves and the grandiose pageantry and really make an honest assessment to the President.

Probably the single most important cabinet position is the Chief of Staff. This position is responsible for herding the sheep and making sure that the windows are closed when important talk is going on. You might think of this position as the head nanny and parent to the President and its cabinet. What I really want in this position, though, is someone who places the best interests of the country before the reputation of the person who occupies the Presidential Office.

The problem with these appointments is that they are made with loyalty in mind, and nothing more. The Chief of Staff is selected solely on the basis of whether or not they can "keep their mouth shut and the cameras at bay." In my mind, that's a very diluted and cynical appraisal of this position, but entirely fair and accurate in our modern times.

In fact, it would seem that all of the appointed cabinet positions are really just "jam" coatings meant to cover up the shortcomings of a President who is not presidential. The very fact that an individual person makes these appointments solely on their history and raport, rather than merit and patriotism, gives me reason for pause. Why would I ever vote for a presidential candidate without knowing all of the baggage that they are bringing to the table.

Really? How many of you would marry someone with a dozen kids without ever meeting those kids? You would have to have an unnatural love for that person, or really be naive. I've been naive, but no more.

I want every candidate for the US Presidency to disclose who their top cabinet appointments will be BEFORE we go to the primary elections. Many of the candidates will argue that they simply don't know who it will be, which is a bunch of hooey. These people know their debts inside and out and know to whom they owe the greatest debt of opportunity. We need to know this information and why these people are going to be appointed. This is the government of a country, not some corporate executive board. We need to treat the presidential elections with as much scrutiny as a publicly traded company. As the citizens of this country, we all hold stock in its governance and we need to be treated as such!

No more bafoons! No more military rejects who were "removed" from their positions! No more "opportunity" appointments for friends and neighbors! We want due process for the proper governance of our country. Full disclosure is the only solution to this shortfall of parity in our government. So let your voice be heard and write to your congressional representatives. Demand to know who a candidate's top-level cabinet will be, and demand further that the President stick to that list. Otherwise, it's just bait and switch, and then we'd have cause to file a complaint with the US Supreme Court!

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