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Zune Marketplace Sucks

I like my Zune. The physical device is a great little media player. The one thing wrong with it is the software wrapped around it.

The Zune marketplace is the only control system for the Zune. If you want to put music on it, you have to use the Zune Marketplace software.

Today, I tried to burn some music and push it to my Zune. I only burn from CD and never buy anything online. Apparently this is not the usecase of the Zune demographic. After I burned my WMA files, I clicked on the "Sync" button in Zune Marketplace. What I got after that was a bucket of frustration. Apparently the software could not put the new music on the Zune, for whatever reason - don't know. All that I ever got was a generic "An error occured while synching ..."

So I decided to remove the old software and re-install. I downloaded the Zune software from and proceeded to uninstall the old Zune Marketplace. After rebooting my computer, I installed the supposed "updated" Zune Marketplace software. Well, actually, it isn't the latest version because the installer had to download an additional update. WTF.

Then I rebooted my computer again because the install process locked up while trying to discover my Zune. Figures. Yet another usecase that the dimwits didn't plan for.

After reboot, I plugged in the Zune and the Zune Marketplace software came up. This time, it asks me if this is a "Guest" Zune, or if I want to replace the contents of the Zune with my library. Hmm. I guess remembering the last "Zune" device wasn't part of the software spec again, so yet another failure.

I chose to "replace the contents of the Zune" with my library (which is already ON the Zune) and clicked Next. I am still waiting. It has been about 30 minutes. I am still waiting.

Let's recap the fun adventure this has been:

1. Zune Marketplace (ZM) download from is NOT the latest software.
2. During installation, ZM is not able to identify your zune if it already existed in a previous incarnation on your computer.
3. ZM uninstall removes any memory of your already configured zune.
4. ZM re-installation appears to do something unknown, and for a very long time, when it tries to re-establish your library on your already-configured Zune.

When I got the Zune and converted my iTunes library over to it, the process was smooth. If I had left it alone and not tried to add more music to it, then I would be listening to music right now. Instead, I just stare longingly at my Zune and wonder if I should just go back to my iPod. Of course, if I wanted to import the WMA files that I ripped this morning, I would have to do it on a per-file basis, which would take me forever. Yet more foresight by Steve Jobs Inc. Yeah.

Why does commercial software suck so bad today? I just don't get it. This problem appears to be a plague for all software vendors, not just Microsoft, Apple, and SUN.

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